Can we program another world?

Today, is a special day in my life. Not because, its a valentine's day. Today is really a stressful day for me, as I had no proper sleep from couple of days with me being participated in MTU's Winter Wonder Hack. Though I didn't win any prizes in the event, this event made me to think build some new products. With that in my mind, I came to my home, and one of my under-grad friends, Kiran(fake name :) )  called me that he has some love problem, and he wanted me to give some suggestions for that. I told him whatever the best I could suggest. Later, another friend Goutham joined us, and we had a hangout session. This discussion started funny, and later it went in a different direction, and made me to post this.

Goutham always say that this world is programmed by God, and he is getting entertained watching our play. This point, made us to think, if that is possible to build such a world by just programming. (This discussion kind of went weird). But we had some theoretical factors which can make this possible. And this complete discussion, made me to get interested in Robotics, and I want to build a Robot which can mate with another Robot, and can give birth to another Robot. Well, I know this is way too ridiculous. But I have some ideas, and I just wanted to get it this way.

I may not completely state the possible solution for this right way. But I wanted to do some research on it, understand the limitations, and I wanted to see how far I can do it. Well, my idea is, just think of a virus program. What does it do? It attacks some normal file, and gets itself settled up on that file, and is ready to corrupt another file. Now think of a person as a virus, and attacks another person of opposite gender, and gets his data on that person. After certain triggering point, that person gives birth to a new human.

In similar way, I want to write a program, which when combined with another program creates some internal code, which doesn't disturb the functionality of the second one, and gets build up in time, and after certain triggering point, a new file is created and all this generated code is dumped into that new file. I will try to represent them in the pictures below.

So program A mates with program B, and is responsible for generation of class C in B. And this class C builds up in time, and once it gets main() method, it gets separated and gets into existence.

This when said in programming seems to be feasible. But with Robots, how can we do that? My idea for this is, Robots needs to takes some food, I mean literally food, whatever that may be. In this case, I would say it as metals. And these metals when reached stomach of Robot, and if that Robot has a class C undeveloped, heat is generated in Robots stomach, and these metals are melted and molded internally into shapes of hands, legs whatever that may be. And the whole body of a small robot is made, it gets the developed C class into this robot, and this robot is delivered out from stomach of B.

This baby Robot should have the features of A and B, which are transferred and using some hashing a code is generated between A and B, and set in C. Also these Robots should have AI which enables them to think, and build their own things, and they shouldn't know the existence of other kinds. This is a basic idea. I will build more on it eventually. I hope, this thinking would give me a good experience.